quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009

To Solve Global Warming

We should force ourselves to be strong and healthy. It's important to talk with other people and help our friends. We have to learn more. We can watch programmes about the environment and it's problems,causes and consequences of global warming.
Finally, we should vote for presidents who care about the environment.

João Bezerra
José Sousa
Class: 9ºE

We all know the world is getting worse, so we have to do something fast. We need to vote for a president who cares about the environment. We need to warn everyone that GLOBAL WARMING is bad and it's destroing the world.
It's time to start caring about the world!

Class: 9ºE

It's important to use public transport, to car pool, to walk and to ride a bike, because doing that we don't pollute. If you use a car, it should be fuel efficient: hybrid or electric. We shouldn't use the plane because it releases carbon dioxide.


terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2009

Renewable Energies

I think that I'm not very careful about the amount of electricity and water I consume. First of all, I waste a lot of water when I take a shower and when I brush my teeth.
I could do better if I turn off the water when I don't need it.
Secondly, I think that I'm not very careful about the amount of electricity I consume. Sometimes I don't turn off the lights when I go out.
If I don't have water, I can't take a shower and if I don't have electricity, I can't see television nor play computer games.

Pair work:

Sara and Carla
Class: 9ºE

My Favourite Place

Hi there! We are from a town called Vila Verde. It is in the north of Portugal. We love it, because people are very sociable and we can talk and be with our friends. Our favourite place in Vila Verde is the sports facility, because it has a swimming-pool, a spa, a gymnasium, a playground and a tennis court. There aren't many public buildings because our town is small, but ithas many facilities.

Group work:

Sergio, João, Filipa, Marisa and Ana Catarina.

Class: 7ºA

segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009

3º Periodo


Pois é, o tempo segue voando e o 3º periodo chegou com a primavera. Nas férias da Páscoa houve viagem a Londres e a nossa escola fez muito boa figura em terras de sua majestade!

Continuamos a contar convosco para dar vida a este blogue.

Comentários, manifestos, trabalhos, composições.... tudo é bem-vindo! Não te esqueças que nem só a necessidade cria o engenho......

Aguardamos ansiosamente a tua participação!

domingo, 22 de março de 2009

Barack Obama - Group Work

America will possibly be a better country because Obama is a different politician. We think he really cares about the problems of his country.
He will change the world with the reforms that we believe he’s going to do. We guess he’ll keep his promises.

Work by:
Adelino, nr.1
Márcia, nr.16
Rodrigo, nr.21
Susana, nr.23

Letter of Application - Group work

Av. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro nº405

FNAC Braga Parque Braga

Dear Sir Paul Anderson
I saw the ad of the part-time Job in the newspaper. I am interested in the part-time position with your company during the Easter holiday.
I have some experience working in a library.
I can be contacted by email at:
pedrobarbosa@hotmail.com or by telephone on 253322769

Pedro Barbosa

Work by:
Carla Pimentel, nº5
Catarina Borges, nº6
César Cunha, nº8
Júnio Leão, nº15
Sara Soares, nº22

segunda-feira, 16 de março de 2009

Manifesto Anti-Racista

Lágrima de Preta
Encontrei uma preta
Que estava a chorar
Pedi-lhe uma lágrima
Para a analisar
Nem sinais de negro
Nem vestígios de ódio.
Água (quase de tudo)
E cloreto de sódio.
António Gedeão

O poeta que escreveu a Pedra Filosofal "pinta" neste poema a necessidade de unidade entre os homens de todas as raças. Podemos ser todos diferentes por for fora, mas somos todos iguais por dentro e todos temos sentimentos.

Descriminar é punir sem ter culpa.
Gabriel Gabriel 8ºG Nº11